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Welcome to our projects section! Here at Austin ATTS, I love to cook up some amazing software and web development projects. Just like the perfect toast, my projects are well-crafted and delightful. This is the place where we share our journey and experiences with you. Stay tuned for more updates on our latest projects and the stories behind each one.

Project: Work In Progress for now

Single Player Game

A third person single player game created with Unreal Engine as part of a Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Information Technology. Designs currently in progress.


Project: College Event Score System

CustomTkinter GUI

A college event score system with a CustomTkinter GUI written in Python using SQLite3 database management. It contains a full score system management with account management and sha256 password hashing for security, created as part of a Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Information Technology. Currently in development.


Project: Hot Beans Web Devlopment

HTML Website

A full website for the Hot Beans Web Development company as part of a Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in Information Technology, integrating PHP email services and Java Script animations.

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